Top Football Songs And FanChants from Superliga

Boca Juniors Querido: C.A.B.J. Songs

Que a pesar de los gases lacrimogenos tirados por la policia, ellos siguen hinchando


Somos de la gloriosa banda de Boca Juniors, La que llena la cancha, La más grande del mundo, A pesar de los gases, Los palos recibidos, Siempre estaré a tu lado, Boca Juniors querido, Boca Juniors querido... (Se Repite...)

Despite the tear gas thrown by the police, they still cheer for Boca


We are the glorious gang of Boca Juniors, The ones filling every pitch, The biggest one in the world, No matter what they say or throw at us, I will always be by your side, Beloved Boca Juniors, Beloved Boca Juniors... (Repeated...)

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